Finding Your Perfect Weight Training Split Part 1: The 2 Day wonder

When it comes to weight training, you don’t need to spend every day at the gym to see results. Enter the 2-day split! Ideal for beginners or those juggling a busy schedule, this split offers a balanced approach that won’t leave you feeling like a gym zombie. How we would [...]

5-3-1 Part 3: Simple Progression to Keep Getting Stronger

The Power of Progression If you’re putting in the work, you deserve to see some gains! Progression is the key to unlocking your strength potential without spending hours in the gym. Let’s break it down. Tracking Your Progress Every four weeks, it’s time to increase your weights. Here’s the straightforward [...]

5-3-1 Part 2: Accessorise Your Lifts, Adding Movements to the 5-3-1 Formula

Accessories Aren’t Just for Outfits Just like that killer pair of shoes can make your outfit pop, accessory movements can make your strength training more effective! While 5-3-1 focuses on the big lifts, we need a little extra something to round things out. Why Accessories Matter Think of accessory movements [...]

The 5-3-1 Training System: Your Ticket to Strength on a Time Budget

Introduction: The Myth of Time We’ve all heard it: “I don’t have time to work out.” Well, my friends, it’s time to bust that myth wide open! If you can spare just a few hours a week, you can get strong enough to lift your grocery bags without breaking a [...]